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The Cannafair in Düsseldorf: a grown market.


Mitsubishi Electric Halle – D.LIVE
Siegburger Straße 15
40591 Düsseldorf


Citizen Hemp was on the Cannafair in the heart of Düsseldorf.  A sea of leafs, grinders, extractors, growers, grow products in a healthy atmosphere of coöperation.  

A grown market

No less than 351 different brands were represented on this years edition of the Cannafair in Düsseldorf.  

There was a medium turnout and rather busy at the peak moments which made it easy to talk to the designers, developers, engineers or owners, who were all too keen on sharing their expertise.

We were very happy to meet our collegues from the German Hanfverband, who are also have enough of the criminality surrounding cannabis.

“Enough with the Criminality. 
Cannabis normal!”